Home Globalizzazione e diritti Corte Interamericana dei diritti umani Corte Interamericana dei diritti umani VANNUCCINI - Protecting “At-Risk Children”: The Pioneering and Paradigmatic “Street Children” Case (Villagrán Morales et al. v. Guatemala) before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights – Part I
VANNUCCINI - Protecting “At-Risk Children”: The Pioneering and Paradigmatic “Street Children” Case (Villagrán Morales et al. v. Guatemala) before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights – Part I
Autore dell'articolo
Sabrina Vannuccini

In the face of the imperative of the protection of human life, and of the concerns and thoughts aroused by death, it is very difficult to separate dogmatically the considerations of juridical order from those of moral order: we are before an order of superior values, – substratum of legal norms, – which help us to seek out the meaning of the existence and of the destiny of each human being”.
(Judges A.A. Cancado Trindade and A. Abreu-Burelli)


Millions of children throughout the world live on the street. In 1989, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimated the number of street children worldwide to be about 100 million. Fourteen years later UNICEF reported: “The latest estimates put the numbers of these children as high as 100 million”.[...]




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Sei tesi in tema di diritti fondamentali e della loro tutela attraverso il “dialogo” tra Corti europee e Corti nazionali
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