
Copenhagen Declaration (12 and 13 April 2018)

Copenhagen Declaration

The High Level Conference meeting in Copenhagen on 12 and 13 April 2018 at the initiative of the Danish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (“the Conference”) declares as follows:
The States Parties to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) reaffirm their deep and abiding commitment to the Convention, and to the fulfilment of their obligation under the Convention to secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention. They also reaffirm their strong attachment to the right of individual application to the European Court of Human Rights (“the Court”) as a cornerstone of the system for protecting the rights and freedoms set forth in the Convention.
The Convention system has made an extraordinary contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights and the rule of law in Europe since its establishment and today it plays a central role in maintaining democratic security and improving good governance across the Continent.
The reform process, initiated in Interlaken in 2010 and continued through further High Level Conferences in Izmir, Brighton and Brussels, has provided an important opportunity to set the future direction of the Convention system and ensure its viability. The States Parties have underlined the need to secure an effective, focused and balanced Convention system, where they effectively implement the Convention at national level, and where the Court can focus its efforts on identifying serious or widespread violations, systemic and structural problems, and important questions of interpretation and application of the Convention.
The reform process has been a positive exercise that has led to significant developments in the Convention system. Important results have been achieved, in particular by addressing the need for more effective national implementation, improving the efficiency of the Court and strengthening subsidiarity.
It has been agreed that, before the end of 2019, the Committee of Ministers should decide whether the measures adopted so far are sufficient to assure the sustainable functioning of the control mechanism of the Convention or whether more profound changes are necessary. Approaching this deadline, it is necessary to take stock of the reform process with the goal of addressing current and future challenges.[…]

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SOLIDARIETA’ PER I PROFESSORI UNIVERSITARI TURCHI LICENZIATI | International Call for Solidarity-Academics for Peace


You are invited to show one-hour’s academic solidarity in your university’s winter or spring term 2017

Dear colleagues,

As you will be aware, populist, nationalist, and racist movements are rising all around the world. One year has passed since 2212 scholars, known as Academics for Peace in Turkey, signed the petition called ‘We will not be a party to this crime’, addressing the human rights violations and massacres in the war waged against the Kurds in Turkey, and submitted it to the Turkish Parliament. During this one-year, many of our professors, colleagues, and students have been targeted by the Turkish state and its organs, including the Higher Education Authority (YOK) in charge of universities. After the military coup attempt in July 2016, tens of thousands of teachers, scholars, journalists and artists were dismissed from their public positions through emergency decrees, their passports were cancelled or confiscated, and some were detained. A state of emergency was declared, and since then, 312 of the Academics for Peace were dismissed from their university positions through emergency decrees. This means being barred from working in both public and private sectors as well as in civil society for life, as well as from using their academic titles. The passports of these academics and their spouses were also confiscated. Departments known for their oppositional tendencies were dismantled and students` rights to education have been irreparably violated. The number of signatories of the peace petition who lost their jobs through dismissal, forced resignation and forced retirement has now reached 400 with the latest emergency decree law.

Within this framework, as the Academics for Peace Germany, France, and the UK collectives, we invite you to show solidarity with our colleagues in Turkey. Regardless of your discipline, we urge you to spare one hour of your lectures in your university’s winter or spring term 2017, for a discussion around what is happening in Turkey, as well as around the themes of nationalism, the rising populism in Europe, and racist and/or totalitarian regimes. We believe that with your support, we can raise awareness about the severity of the situation from the perspectives of different disciplines.

Academics for Peace – Germany
Academics for Peac – France
Accademics for Peace – UK

Please find below the articles published in international journals and papers about the current circumstances in Turkey and struggle of the Academics for Peace. This is a preliminary “bibliography” of the issue which will be and can be updated in the course of time and of course with your support.



* Link of rights violations against “Academics for Peace”

* Please tell us if there are any ideas about creating solidarity that come up in the discussions, via email:;;
