Autore: Rosella Alunni

SARTARELLI S. – La Corte EDU “bacchetta” (forse troppo severamente) l’Italia per l’omessa tutela rilevata in un caso di violenza domestica

*L’articolo è stato scritto nell’ambito del progetto “Diritti e situazioni giuridiche soggettive tra incertezze (nazionali) e ricerca dell’effettività della tutela (sovranazionale). Una ricerca interdisciplinare”, diretto dalla Prof.ssa Luisa Cassetti e finanziato dalla Ricerca di base 2015 – Università degli Studi di Perugia


Sommario: 1. La necessaria ricostruzione storica.- 2. Le ragioni della Corte.- 3. Alcune perplessità
1.La necessaria ricostruzione storica.
Con la sentenza in commento, l’Italia viene condannata per non aver adempiuto agli obblighi positivi derivanti dagli artt. 2 e 3 della Convenzione ed anche per aver, così facendo, determinato una discriminazione di genere in violazione dell’art. 14; più nello specifico, le autorità italiane avrebbero omesso di intervenire tempestivamente (sia sul piano sostanziale che processuale) a tutela della vita e dell’integrità fisica della ricorrente e dei suoi figli, vittime di violenza domestica da parte del marito, il quale, nel reiterare le condotte aggressive del proprio nucleo familiare, finiva per uccidere il figlio della ricorrente. […]

In this judgment Italy was condemned for failing to comply the positive obligations under Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention and also for having, in so doing, determined a gender discrimination in breach of Article 14. More specifically, the Italian authorities failed to intervene in a timely manner (both processually and substantially) in order to protect the life and physical integrity of the applicant and her children, victims of domestic violence by her husband. The man, during an aggression against the applicant, killed her son who had intervened in the desperate attempt to defend the mother.
The Italian State, as censored by the Court, did not consider the applicant’s risk of life and therefore did not take the necessary precautionary measures to protect the victims of domestic violence. Although fairly shared, the judgment raises doubts about the concrete possibility for the Italian authorities to recognize the existence of the indicated risk.


BORGIA C. – Il principio del contraddittorio nella giurisprudenza tributaria della Corte di Giustizia. Il caso Sopropé.


La sentenza è stata pronunciata nell’ambito di una controversia che vedeva contrapposta la società Sopropé – Organizações de Calçado Lda e l’Erario portoghese (Fazenda Pública), sorta a seguito di una richiesta di recupero a posteriori di un debito doganale in relazione a cinquantadue operazioni d’importazione di calzature dichiarate provenire dalla Cambogia, che avevano beneficiato, in virtù della loro presunta origine, di un trattamento doganale preferenziale, in forza del Sistema delle preferenze generalizzate, nell’arco di due anni e mezzo, dal 2000 alla metà del 2002.

Sommario: 1. I fatti principali. – 2. Il diritto di essere ascoltati. – 3. Le ricadute della sentenza Sopropé sull’ordinamento tributario italiano. – 4. Il principio del contraddittorio nella giurisprudenza tributaria interna: tra riconoscimento ed esitazioni. – 5. Conclusioni […]

In this important case the Court has declared that the taxpayer’s right to a proper hearing, as part of the rights of the defense, is a general principle of EC law which applies where the tax authorities are minded to adopt a measure which will adversely affect an individual. In our system, lacking a general written clause, its effective application raises important questions. It could be questioned whether the mentioned principle applies to all tax proceedings, regardless a regulatory and compulsory rule of law.


SOLIDARIETA’ PER I PROFESSORI UNIVERSITARI TURCHI LICENZIATI | International Call for Solidarity-Academics for Peace


You are invited to show one-hour’s academic solidarity in your university’s winter or spring term 2017

Dear colleagues,

As you will be aware, populist, nationalist, and racist movements are rising all around the world. One year has passed since 2212 scholars, known as Academics for Peace in Turkey, signed the petition called ‘We will not be a party to this crime’, addressing the human rights violations and massacres in the war waged against the Kurds in Turkey, and submitted it to the Turkish Parliament. During this one-year, many of our professors, colleagues, and students have been targeted by the Turkish state and its organs, including the Higher Education Authority (YOK) in charge of universities. After the military coup attempt in July 2016, tens of thousands of teachers, scholars, journalists and artists were dismissed from their public positions through emergency decrees, their passports were cancelled or confiscated, and some were detained. A state of emergency was declared, and since then, 312 of the Academics for Peace were dismissed from their university positions through emergency decrees. This means being barred from working in both public and private sectors as well as in civil society for life, as well as from using their academic titles. The passports of these academics and their spouses were also confiscated. Departments known for their oppositional tendencies were dismantled and students` rights to education have been irreparably violated. The number of signatories of the peace petition who lost their jobs through dismissal, forced resignation and forced retirement has now reached 400 with the latest emergency decree law.

Within this framework, as the Academics for Peace Germany, France, and the UK collectives, we invite you to show solidarity with our colleagues in Turkey. Regardless of your discipline, we urge you to spare one hour of your lectures in your university’s winter or spring term 2017, for a discussion around what is happening in Turkey, as well as around the themes of nationalism, the rising populism in Europe, and racist and/or totalitarian regimes. We believe that with your support, we can raise awareness about the severity of the situation from the perspectives of different disciplines.

Academics for Peace – Germany
Academics for Peac – France
Accademics for Peace – UK

Please find below the articles published in international journals and papers about the current circumstances in Turkey and struggle of the Academics for Peace. This is a preliminary “bibliography” of the issue which will be and can be updated in the course of time and of course with your support.



* Link of rights violations against “Academics for Peace”

* Please tell us if there are any ideas about creating solidarity that come up in the discussions, via email:;;

A SESSANTA ANNI DALLA FIRMA DEL TRATTATO DI ROMA – Sviluppi e prospettive nella costruzione dello Spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia

Lunedì 13 Marzo 2017
Convegno internazionale di studi

È previsto il rilascio di n. 6 crediti formativi per gli avvocati (3 per la partecipazione ai lavori di ogni mezza giornata)
Introduce Prof. Paolo Mengozzi (Avvocato Generale della Corte di giustizia)
Coordina e conclude Prof. Giuseppe Tesauro (Presidente emerito della Corte costituzionale)
Inizio lavori 13/03/2017 Ore 09:00
Università degli Studi di Salerno – Aula Magna di Ateneoiconlocandina
