PISANI M.- Mandato d’arresto europeo: se vi è rischio di trattamento inumano e degradante l’Autorità Giudiziaria d’esecuzione può decidere di porre fine alla procedura di esecuzione


In its decision on the cases Aranyosi (C-404/15) and Căldăraru (C-659/15 PPU), The Court of Justice of the European Union (EUCJ) stated that, although Member States are obliged to respect the mutual recognition principle and cannot introduce non-execution mechanisms which are not provided in the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), they are obliged to respect the fundamental rights of the requested persons.
The Court of Luxemburg made it clear that fundamental rights, such as the prohibition of torture and ill treatments set out in Article 3 ECHR and in Article 4 of the EU Charter are absolute not derogable rights, thus Member States have the obligation to respect and protect them in every circumstance.
The decision supports the application of the proportionality principle in European criminal cooperation, that means that the European procedure on EAW should be activated when the scope is proportionate to the instrument and resources involved. The EUCJ considered some decisions of the ECHR relevant precedents in order to establish that there was a real risk that the requested persons, if surrendered to the requesting State, would be subjected to detention conditions that infringe their fundamental rights.
The decision requires national Judicial Authorities to defer the execution of an European Arrest Warrant until the requesting State provides sufficient information to ensure that the requested persons’ fundamental rights are effectively protected. If such information is insufficient or is not given within a reasonable period of time, it remains upon the Judicial Authority of the requested State to decide whether or not to complete the procedure. […]

La Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea si pronuncia ancora una volta in relazione alla procedura di esecuzione del mandato d’arresto europeo1, con una sentenza che mette nuovamente in risalto (ove ve ne fosse ancora il bisogno) la straordinaria rilevanza del dialogo tra le Corti internazionali e sovranazionali e quanto il diritto interno possa essere governato anche attraverso l’influenza di organismi diversi da quelli appartenenti strettamente al sistema dell’Unione europea.

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