Taggato: proibizione della tortura

VANNUCCINI S. – Gli effetti dello scenario emergenziale SARS-CoV-2 sulle condizioni di vita dei minori di età: evidenze di una overview


Una ragionata panoramica,  basata su un approccio strutturato alla ricerca nella letteratura empirica, delle conseguenze  sulle condizioni di vita dei minori di età causate dall’emergenza sanitaria provocata dalla diffusione del contagio da SARS-CoV-2.

Based on a structured approach to research in the empirical literature, this reasoned overview is dedicated to the consequences produced on the living conditions of minors by the health emergency resulting from the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection.. […]

VANNUCCINI S. – Situazioni di «particolare vulnerabilità» dei minori di età e obblighi di protezione dello Stato: note a margine della sentenza V.C. c. Italia


The case of V.C. v. Italy concerned a person who, as a minor (aged 16 at the time) suffering from psychological disorders, alcohol and drug addiction, had been the victim of a child prostitution ring and gang rape.

She complained that the Italian authorities had not acted with the necessary diligence and had not taken all reasonable and measures to provide timely protection and  to prevent the abuses she suffered, even though they had been aware of her vulnerable situation and the real and immediate risk she faced. […]

VANNUCCINI S. – «Memento mori» («secundum voluntatem medicorum et sententiam iudicum»). Il caso francese di Vincent Lambert


The case of Vincent Lambert refers to the withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration of a French patient in a state characterized as «minimally conscious plus», according to the decision taken by the doctors in charge of him, first confirmed by the Conseil d’État and then by the ECtHR, but in the absence both of advance directives drawn up by the patient and of a person of trust within the meaning of the relevant provisions of the Public Health Code, and also with the opposite opinion of his parents and other family members.
This case is not only a patient’s case, but also a question about the death, that of a young man in the incapacity to express its will. This case, and the questionable national and European rulings, reopen a debate never ceased in France, as in Europe as a whole, about the rights of patients and their representatives, the duties of care and assistance, the distinction between treatments and vital treatments, the full protection of human frailty, the unavailability of one’s own bodily life.[…]
