Taggato: Vannuccini

VANNUCCINI S. – L’Autorità garante per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza: bilanci e sfide a 10 anni dall’istituzione


The Authority for Children and Adolescents was established by Law no. 112/2011, in order to ensure the full implementation and protection of the rights and interests of minors, in compliance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international instruments on the promotion and protection of the rights of children and adolescents.

This paper takes stock of the activities carried out and the results achieved ten years after its establishment, as well as the future challenges 

VANNUCCINI S. – Gli effetti dello scenario emergenziale SARS-CoV-2 sulle condizioni di vita dei minori di età: evidenze di una overview


Una ragionata panoramica,  basata su un approccio strutturato alla ricerca nella letteratura empirica, delle conseguenze  sulle condizioni di vita dei minori di età causate dall’emergenza sanitaria provocata dalla diffusione del contagio da SARS-CoV-2.

Based on a structured approach to research in the empirical literature, this reasoned overview is dedicated to the consequences produced on the living conditions of minors by the health emergency resulting from the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 infection.. […]

VANNUCCINI S. – Situazioni di «particolare vulnerabilità» dei minori di età e obblighi di protezione dello Stato: note a margine della sentenza V.C. c. Italia


The case of V.C. v. Italy concerned a person who, as a minor (aged 16 at the time) suffering from psychological disorders, alcohol and drug addiction, had been the victim of a child prostitution ring and gang rape.

She complained that the Italian authorities had not acted with the necessary diligence and had not taken all reasonable and measures to provide timely protection and  to prevent the abuses she suffered, even though they had been aware of her vulnerable situation and the real and immediate risk she faced. […]

VANNUCCINI S. – Diacronia dello sviluppo giurisprudenziale e legislativo della disciplina sul parto anonimo e sulla conoscenza dei propri veri natali


This paper deals with the interaction of two potentially competing rights, and the ways in which they can be balanced against each other: the right of the mother to remain anonymous after giving birth, without recording her name on the child’s birth certificate, and the right of the newborn to know his/her parentage, i.e. his/her biological family, ascendance and conditions of birth, as an integral part of the right to an identity.
The evolution of the regulation of anonymous birth – from the blind preference to the person who wishes to keep her identity secret (with the consequence that the right of the person abandoned at birth to find his/her origins is entirely neglected and forgotten) to the recognition that the problematic issue does not lie in the mother’s right to anonymity per se, but rather in its irreversible nature, and to the progress on the implementation of the child’s right to knowledge of his/her personal history (and similar right to knowledge on the side of the mother who desires to initiate a search for her child) – is studied through a diachronic analysis of the judicial and legislative development on this matter in the Italian Legal System.

VANNUCCINI S. – Gonzales Lluy et al. v. Ecuador: The First Judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Declaring Violation of Article 13 (Right to Education) of the Protocol of San Salvador


In 1998, Talía Gabriela Gonzales Lluy, a three-year-old girl, had been diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a hemorrhagic disorder requiring blood and platelets transfusion urgently. Nevertheless, the donated blood had been transfused into her body without having being tested previously. As a result, Talía had been contaminated with HIV-infected blood.
When she had begun attending primary school, she had faced hostile climate and discrimination within the educational environment, and had been barred from attending classes owing to her medical condition.
In 2015, in the case of Gonzales Lluy et al. v. Ecuador, for the first time, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights stated violation of Article 13 (Right to Education) of the Protocol of San Salvador.[…]
